
Are you sitting on your couch feeling wrecked about how bad tomorrow might be? Sunday anxiety is common as you start to worry about all the things that could go wrong next week.

What might be going on under the surface is a common thought distortion known as catastrophizing. This is when we get fixated on worst case scenarios and focus on everything that could possibly go wrong, no matter how unlikely it is to happen.

Why does this happen? Well, anxiety and fear can leave us feeling out of control. This thought distortion sneaks in to try to help us feel more stable and in control. 

The problem is that distorted thinking almost never leaves us feeling better. With catastrophizing, we instead get hung up on terrible projections of failure and disaster, which cause us to have some of the same emotional consequences as if these events actually came to pass.

What you can do instead is perform some reality testing. Ask yourself if this worry is likely to come true and if there is anything constructive you can do about it today.

If there is something you can do about it, then do that thing! If not, try instead to zoom in on the fact that you feel a little bit anxious and afraid of the unknown. Imagine how you would speak to a friend or a little kid who was feeling worried. Talk to yourself in that same loving voice as you express acceptance that you are having uncomfortable feelings and concentrate on the knowledge that you will be ok no matter what. You are smart, you’ve made it through every bad day you’ve ever had, and you'll figure this out and learn how to cope.

Also keep in mind that catastrophizing is so common that they gave it a name! You are not alone in this experience, and there IS something you can do about it! With the right skills, your thoughts don’t have to control you and wreck your Sunday afternoons anymore. 

For more help with catastrophizing and other thought distortions, a therapist who specializes in cognitive behavioral therapy can be a huge benefit to you.


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