Remembering Childhood

If you know me, you know I love inner child work!

Sometimes our adult minds have trouble shifting gears and remembering the good experiences we had as kids. These memories can be so vivid and comforting, it's worth the stroll down memory lane every now and then.

Try this - think back on one thing you miss about your childhood and let all of your attention rest on how you felt during that time of joy. Maybe it was a favorite vacation you took, and you can recall how much fun it was splashing around in the ocean or riding roller coaster with your friends, siblings, or family.

If you are having trouble thinking of a specific memory, it can help to find a picture of yourself from childhood. After you look at the picture, shut your eyes and try to remember what it physically felt like to be back in that place. What did it look like, feel like, and smell like around you? Engaging sensory memories like this can help immerse us in a deeper reflection.

As the feelings of that time and place begin to emerge, create space in your reflection to remember the emotions of that time and what you are grateful for. You might even remember a feeling or bit of nostalgia your adult mind has long-since forgotten.

It’s helpful to reflect in this way not only to bring more gratitude into our lives, but also to deepen our sense of positive connection with the narrative of our lives and to build insight about the important through-lines that bridge our past, present, and future. Things that were important to us as kids might hold clues to values and experiences that we should spend more time focusing on as adults!




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